
Golden Colorado

Having just moved out here to Colorado I have not had the time to see much of what is going on around me, though I am taking advantage of my time and seeing as much as I can.

My best bud Ryan is out from Milwaukee this week (so expect to see a lot of pictures this week) to hang out and see the sites.  This works out well since I have been out here long enough to show him some things by experience, it also is great for me since we are going to see things that I have yet to see.  A great example was our trip out to Golden yesterday to see the Coors Brewing Company.  

Coors is the worlds largest brewery (pretty impressive) with a capability to brew 16 million gallons of beer per day on five square miles of industrialized awesomeness, directly over a natural spring  (adjacent a tannery that would be converted into a brewery) that Adolf Coors bought with a partner. The entire operation is amazing.  The tour however kinda sucks, but it's free and you get free beer at the end so it is worth the trip.  Also the town of Golden is great to walk around in, literally in the foothills.  

Below are the photos from our day trip.