I have been a resident of this great state for less then two months. Since my wife and I have moved out here in September we have had time to settle into our apartment, acclimate to the area and for my better half, land the job of her dreams within our first two weeks.
Moving from the steamy midwest weather to Denver has taken some acclimation as well in the best way. It is so sunny hear and the light is so beautiful. Add to that the mild days and cool nights, we could not ask for a better climate to live in.
Last night it snowed for the second time since we've moved out. A nice wet snow that stuck to the branches of all of the tress, portraying in reality, a winter scene the likes found in a cheesy Thomas Kinkade christmas painting.
We have two cats, Lilly: a loud, talkative and affectionate cat and Poe: non of those things. Lilly has taken a real liking to the deck on our place, and the pigeons that fly around it. Today she sat by the door as she does everyday, looking at me and meowing telling me to let her out. I opened the door for her, she looked skeptically at the snow for just a moment, then ventured out. Here is a picture of her first steps into the unknown.
Those first, brave steps into the unknown.